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MSc, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 A study on comparisons of additive regression frailty models to counter heterogeneity: Bayesian strategies and case study Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 08-Aug-2024 53 / 8 / 1-22

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A study on comparisons of additive regression frailty models to counter heterogeneity: Bayesian strategies and case study
Name of Journal Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
Volume No 53
Issue No 8
Page No 1-22
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/lssp20
Date of Publication 08-Aug-2024
2 On bivariate Teissier model using Copula: dependence properties, and case studies International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 27-Feb-2024 15 / 2 / 1-17

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) SHIKHAR TYAGI (3736)
Title of Article On bivariate Teissier model using Copula: dependence properties, and case studies
Name of Journal International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Volume No 15
Issue No 2
Page No 1-17
URL https://link.springer.com/journal/13198
Date of Publication 27-Feb-2024
3 Theory and practice of a bivariate trigonometric Burr XII distribution Afrika Matematika 17-Jul-2023 34 / 3 / 1-25

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Theory and practice of a bivariate trigonometric Burr XII distribution
Name of Journal Afrika Matematika
Volume No 34
Issue No 3
Page No 1-25
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/13370
Date of Publication 17-Jul-2023
4 On Bivariate Inverse Lindley Distribution Derived From Copula thailand statistician 29-Mar-2023 21 / 2 / 291-304

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article On Bivariate Inverse Lindley Distribution Derived From Copula
Name of Journal thailand statistician
Volume No 21
Issue No 2
Page No 291-304
URL https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaistat
Date of Publication 29-Mar-2023
5 Generalised Lindley shared additive frailty regression model for bivariate survival data Statistics in Transition 27-Dec-2022 23 / 4 / 161-176

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Generalised Lindley shared additive frailty regression model for bivariate survival data
Name of Journal Statistics in Transition
Volume No 23
Issue No 4
Page No 161-176
URL https://sit.stat.gov.pl/About
Date of Publication 27-Dec-2022
6 On a Bivariate Xgamma Distribution Derived From Copula Statistica 12-Jul-2022 82 / 1 / 15-40

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article On a Bivariate Xgamma Distribution Derived From Copula
Name of Journal Statistica
Volume No 82
Issue No 1
Page No 15-40
URL https://rivista-statistica.unibo.it/index
Date of Publication 12-Jul-2022
7 Parametric confidence intervals of generalized process capability index and its applications Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering 23-May-2022 11 / 2 / 177-187

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Parametric confidence intervals of generalized process capability index and its applications
Name of Journal Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering
Volume No 11
Issue No 2
Page No 177-187
URL https://link.springer.com/journal/41872
Date of Publication 23-May-2022
8 Weighted Lindley Shared Regression Model For Bivariate Left Censored Data Sankya B 20-Apr-2022 84 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Weighted Lindley Shared Regression Model For Bivariate Left Censored Data
Name of Journal Sankya B
Volume No 84
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/13571
Date of Publication 20-Apr-2022
9 Comparison of Multiplicative Frailty Models Under Weibull Baseline Distribution Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 28-Mar-2022 42 / 13 / 3184-3195

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Comparison of Multiplicative Frailty Models Under Weibull Baseline Distribution
Name of Journal Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Volume No 42
Issue No 13
Page No 3184-3195
URL https://link.springer.com/journal/12202
Date of Publication 28-Mar-2022
10 Identifying the Effects of Observed and Unobserved Risk Factors Using Weighted Lindley Shared Regression Model Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 16-Feb-2022 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Identifying the Effects of Observed and Unobserved Risk Factors Using Weighted Lindley Shared Regression Model
Name of Journal Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/42519
Date of Publication 16-Feb-2022
11 Weighted Lindley multiplicative regression frailty models under random censored data Computational and Applied Mathematics 11-Oct-2021 40 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Weighted Lindley multiplicative regression frailty models under random censored data
Name of Journal Computational and Applied Mathematics
Volume No 40
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://www.springer.com/journal/40314
Date of Publication 11-Oct-2021
12 Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Based on Reversed Hazard Rate International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 30-Sep-2021 29 / 1 / 1-24

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Based on Reversed Hazard Rate
Name of Journal International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering
Volume No 29
Issue No 1
Page No 1-24
URL https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijrqse
Date of Publication 30-Sep-2021
13 Can the Aging Influence Cold Environment Mediated Cancer Risk in the USA Female Population? Journal of Thermal Biology 15-Jul-2020 92 / 6 / 1-10

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Can the Aging Influence Cold Environment Mediated Cancer Risk in the USA Female Population?
Name of Journal Journal of Thermal Biology
Volume No 92
Issue No 6
Page No 1-10
URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-thermal-biology
Date of Publication 15-Jul-2020


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: Unveiling Lesser-Known Facts and Addressing Modern Challenges for Teachers https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/honoring-the-legacy-of-dr-f74c4e12bf5b Teacher's Day
2 The Missing Link: Why Theoretical Knowledge Matters in a Practical World https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/the-missing-link-why-theoretical-knowledge-matters-in-a-practical-world-a923211bb089 Theoretical and Practical Knowledge
3 Echoes of Valor: Celebrating India?s Unsung Heroes on Its 78th Independence Day https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/echoes-of-valor-celebrating-indias-unsung-heroes-on-its-78th-independence-day-9954a7b94c27 Unsung heroes of India
4 Exploring the World Beyond Multiple Linear Regression Models: A Data Scientist?s Guide to Advanced Statistical Techniques https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/exploring-the-world-beyond-multiple-linear-regression-models-a-data-scientists-guide-to-advanced-445d9d649243 Advanced Techniques
5 Understanding Type I and Type II Errors: Which One is More Serious? https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/understanding-type-i-and-type-ii-errors-which-one-is-more-serious-73ab02269244 Statistical errors
6 Moving Beyond Statistical Significance: Embracing Statistical Divergence https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/moving-beyond-statistical-significance-embracing-statistical-divergence-7c307cada80f Statistical Significance
7 Understanding Frailty and Error Terms in Regression Analysis in Medical and Clinical Trials https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/understanding-frailty-and-error-terms-in-regression-analysis-in-medical-and-clinical-trials-c41412e57116 Frailty Models and Regression Model
8 Understanding Frailty and Error Terms in Regression Analysis https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/understanding-frailty-and-error-terms-in-regression-analysis-a79800a41159 Frailty Models and Regression Model
9 The Significance of a P-Value of 0.05 in Medical and Clinical Trials: Understanding Its Implications and Importance https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/the-significance-of-a-p-value-of-0-05-4e9042a3c54b p-value
10 Exploring the Legacy of P.C. Mahalanobis: The Architect of Data in India https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/exploring-the-legacy-of-p-c-mahalanobis-the-architect-of-data-in-india-41b206c2df30 18th Nataional Statistics Day
11 Unraveling the Intricacies of Correlation: Methods, Assumptions, and Applications https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/unraveling-the-intricacies-of-correlation-methods-assumptions-and-applications-3386ff3b5de4 Correlation
12 Decoding the Digits: Understanding the Difference Between Numbers and Data https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/decoding-the-digits-understanding-the-difference-between-numbers-and-data-a854c08e18d6 Statistics
13 From Data to Insight: Understanding the Difference Between Data and Information https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/from-data-to-insight-understanding-the-difference-between-data-and-information-b6794380adc4 Statistics
14 Divestiture Misconceptions Surrounding Maximum Likelihood Estimation Through R https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/divestiture-misconceptions-surrounding-maximum-likelihood-estimation-through-r-08b27318fb28
15 Exploring Model Selection: Moving Beyond Accuracy to Insightful Estimations https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/exploring-model-selection-moving-beyond-accuracy-to-insightful-estimations-5c53aeb44de7
16 Advancements in Seismic Parameter Prediction: Integrating Bayesian Inference and Machine Learning Techniques https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/advancements-in-seismic-parameter-prediction-integrating-bayesian-inference-and-machine-learning-ef6375f4e895 Bayesian Inference
17 Exploring the Frontier of Bayesian Inference: A Dive into Modern Data Analysis Techniques https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/exploring-the-frontier-of-bayesian-inference-a-dive-into-modern-data-analysis-techniques-db0249f0f848 Bayesian Inference
18 Importance of Frailty Regression Models in Modern Data Analysis Domain https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/importance-of-frailty-regression-models-in-modern-data-analysis-domain-8de314569e98 Frailty Models
19 Bayesian Inference in Statistics: Underappreciating the Impact of Methodologies https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/bayesian-inference-in-statistics-underappreciating-the-impact-of-methodologies-f3f90e8f9a78 Bayesian Inference
20 Impact of Indian Election of 2024 on the IT Sector: A Comprehensive Analysis https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/impact-of-indian-election-of-2024-on-the-it-sector-a-comprehensive-analysis-2b95b75c506e
21 Revisiting R: Dispelling the Myth of Outdated Software in Data Analysis https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/revisiting-r-dispelling-the-myth-of-outdated-software-in-data-analysis-67b89eb0407d R software
22 Navigating the Crossroads: Choosing Between R and Python for Effective Data Analysis https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/navigating-the-crossroads-choosing-between-r-and-python-for-effective-data-analysis-5a6d9f80c332 R vs Python
23 The Future of Data Scientists in India: A 20-Year Outlook https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/the-future-of-data-scientists-in-india-a-20-year-outlook-e800dcabe5f4 Future of Data Scientists
24 The 2024 Election: Addressing the Intersection of Caste, Religion, and Voting Preferences https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/the-2024-election-addressing-the-intersection-of-caste-religion-and-voting-preferences-94ba987d1beb General Election 2024
25 Unleashing the Potential of Generalized Linear Models: Delving into GLM Theory and Application in R https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/unleashing-the-potential-of-generalized-linear-models-delving-into-glm-theory-and-application-in-r-a5cc79689ab8 Generalized Linear Model
26 Revisiting the Significance of Statistics: Amidst the Data Science Revolution, Have We Overlooked Its Essential Role? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/revisiting-significance-statistics-amidst-data-science-tyagi-7fgwc Ignorance of Statistics in the era of Data Science
27 In the Era of Data Science, Are We Forgetting the Importance of Statistics? https://medium.com/@shikhartyagi_93772/in-the-era-of-data-science-are-we-forgetting-the-importance-of-statistics-912c5f0e0927
28 Ground Reality and Management of Uttar Pradesh Against Covid19 https://bibokshitowebzine.blogspot.com/2021/05/ground-reality-and-management-of-uttar.html

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Participant International Webinar on Renewable Energy Sources & Applications (IWRESA - 2024) 31/08/2024 Sri Padmavati Women's Degree and PG college International
2 Conference Keynote Speaker ?Recent Trends in Statistical Theory and Applications-2024? (WSTA ? 2024) On Bivariate Teissier model using Copula: dependence properties, and case studies 29/06/2024 Department of Statistics, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, University of Kerala jointly with International Statistics Fraternity (ISF), Kerala Statistical Association (KSA) and SFK International
3 Conference Keynote Speaker National Conference on Information and Computer Sciences (NCICS-2024) Introduction to Data Science and Testing of Hypothesis 19/03/2024 Apollo Arts and Science College National
4 Conference Presenter Ninth International Conference on ?Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2023? (ICSTC-2023) Weighted Lindley Shared Regression Model For Bivariate Left Censored Data 15/12/2023 International Statistics Fraternity(ISF), Department of Statistics and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Kerala International
5 Conference Presenter International Conference on Applications of Statistics Impact of Urbanization on Biodiversity of India 02/02/2023 Pachhunga University College, Mizoram University International
6 Conference Presenter International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Computing Sciences (AMICS 2022) Weighted lindley multiplicative regression frailty models under random censored data 05/12/2022 Bosen Academic Research Institute International
7 Seminar Participant Current State Of Econometrics And Career Prospects Of Young Minds 12/09/2022 Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan International
8 Conference Presenter Statistics and Data Science: Theory and Practice for Progress and Prosperity Comparison of Multiplicative Frailty Models Under Generalized Log-Logistic-II Baseline Distribution for Counter Heterogeneous Left Censored Data 11/03/2022 GITAM Deemed to be University International
9 Conference Presenter Recent Application of Statistical Techniques and Analysis (RASTA-2021) Modeling Australian Twin Data Using Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Models 15/12/2021 Central University of Rajasthan International
10 Conference Presenter Recent Advances in Statistics (ICRAS-2021) Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Based on Reversed Hazard Rate 11/10/2021 Central University of Rajasthan International
11 Conference Presenter 4th National Conference on Statistics for Science, Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSSH-2021) Comparison of Multiplicative Frailty Models Under Weibull Baseline Distribution 01/03/2021 Central University of Rajasthan National
12 Conference Presenter Recent Advances in Statistics: Theory And Applications Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Models 31/01/2020 Central University of Rajasthan National
13 Conference Presenter 3rd National Conference on Statistics for Science, Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSSH-2019) Generalized Lindley Frailty Models Based on Hazard Rate and Reversed Hazard Rate 13/09/2019 Central University of Rajasthan National
14 Conference Presenter VI-th Rajasthan Science Congress Power Xgamma Distribution: It's Statistical Properties and Application 13/10/2018 Central University of Rajasthan National
15 Conference Participant Advanced Developments in Theoretical And Applied Statistics (ADTAS-2017) 13/11/2017 Central University of Rajasthan National

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Testing of Hypothesis 25/05/2024 Central University of Rajasthan
2 Basics of R Programming Invited Talk 24/05/2024 Central University of Rajasthan
3 Uses of Distribution Theory 18/04/2022 Central University of Rajasthan
4 Basic Uses of R- Software in Big Data Science 14/04/2022 Central University of Rajasthan

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Some Contributions To Frailty Models For Survival Data Dr Arvind Pandey Central University of Rajasthan
2 A Study On Applied Statistical Techniques Using SPSS Dr Bhupendra Singh Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Google Slide and CU presentation template Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 25/09/2024
2 international webinar, "Detection of Money Laundering Using Graph Analytics" Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan International 12/09/2024
3 One Day Training Session on Generative AI for University Teachers Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 06/07/2024
4 Five-Day FDP on Recent Developments in Statistics and its Applications in Data Science Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai International 27/03/2024
5 Innovative Pedagogies in the age of ChatGpt Agorae and Jobs in Education (JIE) National 30/01/2024
6 Online Workshop on ?Regression Analysis Comparing Methods in R and SPSS-2023" Department of Statistics and Data Science and Department of Computer Science National 11/12/2023
7 Faculty Development Program on Deep Learning Case Studies Christ Deemed to be University and TATA Consultancy Services National 25/10/2023
8 Research Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management Studies (Autonomous), Chittoor International 23/09/2023
9 One Week Online Workshop on Basic Biostatistical Data Analysis using SPSS Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences International 21/09/2023
10 Time Series and Its Applications Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 14/07/2023
11 Faculty Development Programme (FDP-I) 2023 Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 26/06/2023
12 Computational Statistics and Applied AI Department of Statistics and Data Science National 04/06/2023
13 Faculty Orientation Program Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 13/03/2023
14 Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 05/12/2022
15 Induction Program Christ Deemed to be University Institutional 01/12/2022
16 CURRENT STATE OF ECONOMETRICS AND CAREER PROSPECTS OF YOUNG MINDS Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan International 12/09/2022
17 ONE WEEK ONLINE WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING USING R Aryabhatt Institute of Academic and Research National 25/04/2022
18 One Week Online Faculty Development Program On Advanced Research Methodology Amiruddaula Islamia Degree College National 21/03/2022
19 One Week Online Basic Course on Biomedical Research Science Tech Institute National 21/02/2022
20 One Week Online Training Program on Data Analysis Using MS Excel and SPSS Software? Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University National 27/01/2022
21 Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS Science Tech Institute International 21/01/2022
22 Workshop on Data Analytics Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata National 10/03/2019
23 Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore National 28/11/2018
24 Statistical Modeling And Optimization Using R Software Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research And Management, Ahmedabad National 01/02/2018
25 exposure training programme on official statistics National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA) National 20/07/2015


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Reviewer Reviewer, Statistics and Applications Statistics and Applications 21 December 2023
2 Best Young Researcher Award in Statistical Sciences Best Young Researcher Award in Statistical Sciences associated with the 2nd International Conference on Advance Interdisciplinary Research (ICAIR-2023). Digvijai Nath Post Graduate College 09 April 2023
3 Best Young Faculty Award in Statistics and Data Science Best Young Faculty Award in Statistics and Data Science associated with the 2nd International Conference on Research Methodology (ICRM-2023) Dr Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University and Science Tech Institute 30 October 2023
4 Convener of Workshop entitled "Online Workshop on Regression Analysis: Comparing Methods in R and SPSS-2023" I organized a workshop entitled "Online Workshop on Regression Analysis: Comparing Methods in R and SPSS-2023" from 11th Dec - 16th Dec 2023 under the department of Statistics and Data Science and Department of Computer Science. Christ University 16 December 2023
5 Chief Guest of National Conference on Information and Computer Sciences (NCICS-2024) Attended National Conference on Information and Computer Sciences (NCICS-2024) as Chief Guest Apollo Arts and Science College 19 March 2024
6 Reviewer Reviewer for Computational and Mathematical Methods Computational and Mathematical Methods Wiley 29 March 2024
7 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 27 October 2023
8 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 02 February 2024
9 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 27 October 2023
10 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 31 July 2023
11 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 03 March 2023
12 Reviewer Reviewer for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 01 July 2022
13 Reviewer Reviewer for Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 20 February 2024
14 BMC Geriatrics Reviewer for BMC Geriatrics BMC Geriatrics 09 November 2023
15 Reviewer Reviewer for Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics - Bull CompAMa Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics - Bull CompAMa 19 September 2023
16 Reviewer Reviewer for Journal of Mathematics (Wiley) Journal of Mathematics 10 April 2024
17 Reviewer Review a research article for BMC Public health BMC Public health Wiley 17 April 2024
18 Generative AI for Educators This certifi cate verifi es that the learner listed has successfully completed the two-hourGenerative AI for Educators course. Google 29 April 2024
19 Get data with Power BI Desktop Earned "Get data with Power BI" badge from Microsoft. Microsoft 01 May 2024
20 Get started with Microsoft data analytics Microsoft data analytics Microsoft 01 May 2024
21 Empower educators to explore the potential of artificial intelligence Potential of Artificial Intelligence Microsoft 01 May 2024
22 Get started building with Power BI Power BI Microsoft 01 May 2024
23 Earned "Introduction to Large Language Models" badge from Google. Large Language Models Google Cloud 01 May 2024
24 Earned "Introduction to Responsible AI" badge from Google. Responsible AI Google Cloud 01 May 2024
25 Earned "Introduction to Generative AI" badge from Google. Generative AI Google Cloud 01 May 2024
26 Python Concurrent Programming: Multiprocessing in Python Learn to use Python's built-in queue data structure for multithreaded applications, and how to implement multiprocessing. Skillsoft 23 May 2024
27 Reviewer Review a research article for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 01 June 2024
28 Reviewer Reviewer for BMC Geriatrics BMC Geriatrics 14 June 2024
29 Reviewer Review an article for Signal Processing and Advance Research in Computing (SPARC-2024) IEEE 08 July 2024
30 Reviewer Review an article for Signal Processing and Advance Research in Computing (SPARC-2024) IEEE 08 July 2024
31 Reviewer Reviewer the book chapter for IGI Global Book IGI Global Book 18 July 2024
32 Reviewer Review an article for Signal Processing and Advance Research in Computing (SPARC-2024) IEEE 18 July 2024
33 Reviewer Reviewer an article for International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management (IJSA) 29 July 2024
34 Reviewer Reviewer an article for Journal of Mathematics Journal of Mathematics Wiley 05 August 2024
35 Reviewer Review a paper for BMC Medical Research Methodology BMC Medical Research Methodology 03 September 2024


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